Who Am I?
My name is Natasha Laws, and I’m a People Handling Trainer. I joined OFI in February 2023.
My Professional Background
After graduating with a BSc in Physiotherapy in 2007 from St George’s University and Kingston University, I worked for the NHS for 12 years across 4 London boroughs. Towards the end of this period, I specialised in Elderly Care and Falls Prevention. In 2019, I left the NHS to work as an in-house physiotherapist for Royal Star and Garter Care Home, where I qualified as ‘Train the Trainer’ in People Handling, becoming one of their in-house Moving and Handling trainers.
A Day in My Life as a Trainer for OFI would see me...
The training locations can vary from hospitals to people’s homes. The latter can have huge benefits, as you can see any moving and handling challenges first-hand. The staff we train can be anyone who is involved in People Handling – those who move children or adults of any physical and cognitive ability. The practical element of the training can involve the use of equipment such as slide sheets/hoists.
The best thing about my job is...
I have a passion for making the sessions interactive and dynamic. I enjoy seeing the ‘lightbulb moment’ delegates have when I teach good, safe practice and knowing the benefits this gives staff in the care they will deliver, not only to their patients/service users but also to themselves. Part of this comes when delegates take on the role of patient/service user and experience what it’s like to be hoisted or slid up the bed!
My most rewarding moment at OFI:
Delegates reporting it was the best People Handling training they’ve had to date!
Outside of OFI...
In my life outside of work, I’m busy juggling family life, but when I get the chance, I enjoy getting out in the garden and being in nature.
My approach and commitment to your company’s training needs:
Are you or your staff at risk of incurring musculoskeletal disorders at work as a result of poor moving and handling? If yes, please get in touch with OFI. Together, we identify the problems and highlight their root causes by providing training and education on safer biomechanics alongside a practical workshop and legal framework.