Life Size vertebral column with pelvis including spine, nerve roots, the vertebral artery and metal stand. This life-size model of an adult human spine is our most popular anatomical model, and is the same model that our trainers use.
This detailed anatomical spine model can be used as an ideal object of study and at the same time as an excellent presentation and demonstration model. The spine consists 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum (os sacrum) and the tailbone (coccyx).
This anatomical model is flexible and includes the anatomical representation of the skull base, both vertebral arteries and spinal cord. For better illustration a red colored lateral disc herniation (prolapsus nuclei pulposi) is added to this anatomical model. The pelvis includes the representation of Articulatio iliosacralis and ligamentous representation of the symphysis.
Because of the adjustable stiffness of this spine, various deformities can be simulated. The entire spine can be can be disassembled into its component parts. The model comes with a hanger and metal stand.